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Latest news about Central Bank Rates and Credit Ratings variations, for world countries.

News are sorted by upload date in the website, and may refer to past events. News uploaded in the last 30 days are shown.

Central Bank Rates Variations

Jul 24 - Russia: Central Bank raised interest rate to 18% (+2.00)

Jul 24 - Canada: Central Bank cut interest rate to 4.5% (-0.25)

Jul 24 - Sri Lanka: Central Bank cut interest rate to 8.25% (-0.25)

Jul 24 - Hungary: Central Bank cut interest rate to 6.75% (-0.25)

Jul 24 - Nigeria: Central Bank raised interest rate to 26.75% (+0.50)

Jul 24 - China: Central Bank cut interest rate to 3.35% (-0.10)

Jul 24 - Kazakhstan: Central Bank cut interest rate to 14.25% (-0.25)

Jul 24 - Serbia: Central Bank cut interest rate to 6% (-0.25)

May 24 - Venezuela: Central Bank raised interest rate to 59.2% (+0.22)

Jul 24 - Romania: Central Bank cut interest rate to 6.75% (-0.25)

Jul 24 - Bulgaria: Central Bank cut interest rate to 3.63% (-0.15)

Jun 24 - Colombia: Central Bank cut interest rate to 11.25% (-0.50)

Jun 24 - Czech Republic: Central Bank cut interest rate to 4.75% (-0.50)

See all Central Bank Rates

Credit Ratings Variations

Jul 24 - Turkey: Moody's Investors Service upgraded rating to B1 with positive outlook. Previous credit rating was B3 with positive outlook.

Jul 24 - Portugal: DBRS confirmed rating A and upgraded outlook to positive. Previous credit rating was A.

Jul 24 - Kenya: Moody's Investors Service downgraded rating to Caa1 with negative outlook. Previous credit rating was B3 with negative outlook.

Jun 24 - Colombia: Moody's Investors Service confirmed rating Baa2 and downgraded outlook to negative. Previous credit rating was Baa2.

See all Countries Credit Ratings