Egypt vs Italy - Country Comparison

Full Country Comparison, between Egypt and Italy.

Please note that comparing the economic indicators of two different countries can be misleading at times. This is because these nations often begin with varying economic conditions and possibly have different central bank reference rates.

These disparities can significantly impact how their economies perform, making direct comparisons less meaningful.

It's important to consider the unique context of each country when assessing economic data.

Table of contents

Government Bonds Comparison

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Bonds Yield
Residual Maturity Egypt Italy Current Spread
1 month - 3.739% -
3 months 28.444% > 3.754% 2469.0 bp
6 months 27.134% > 3.676% 2345.8 bp
9 months 26.825% > 3.623% 2320.2 bp
1 year 26.597% > 3.584% 2301.3 bp
2 years 25.574% > 3.499% 2207.5 bp
3 years 28.075% > 3.320% 2475.5 bp
4 years - 3.362% -
5 years 28.510% > 3.403% 2510.7 bp
6 years - 3.537% -
7 years 28.813% > 3.536% 2527.7 bp
8 years - 3.654% -
9 years - 3.765% -
10 years 28.908% > 3.861% 2504.7 bp
15 years - 4.209% -
20 years - 4.326% -
25 years - 4.341% -
30 years - 4.419% -
50 years - 4.039% -

Credit Rating comparison

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Rating Agency Rating Outlook Rating Outlook
Standard & Poor's B- positive BBB -
Moody's Investors Service Caa1 positive Baa3 -
Fitch Ratings B- - BBB -
DBRS - - BBB (high) -

Interest Rate comparison

Interest Rates Egypt Italy
Central Bank Rate 8.25% 0.00%

CDS comparison

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Credit Default Swap Egypt Italy
5 Years CDS 573.65 67.78

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