Mauritius 1 Year vs Russia 1 Year Bond Spread

RUSSIA - 1 Year
---- bp
 ---- bp 1 month

As of the latest update on ---- GMT+0, the Mauritius 1 Year / Russia 1 Year Government Bond Spread value is ---- basis points (bp), where 1 basis point equals 0.01%.

This indicates that the yield of Mauritius 1 Year Government Bond is ----% ---- than that of Russia 1 Year Government Bond. Specifically, the Mauritius 1 Year Government Bond has a yield of ----%, while the Russia 1 Year Government Bond offers a yield of ----%.

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Mauritius 1 Year / Russia 1 Year Spread - Interactive Chart

The Mauritius 1 Year / Russia 1 Year Government Bond Spread reached a maximum value of ---- bp (----) and a minimum value of ---- bp (----).

Available Data Source: from ---- to ----

Mauritius 1 Year / Russia 1 Year Spread - Latest variations

Mauritius 1 Year / Russia 1 Year Spread - Yearly Range

Mauritius 1 Year / Russia 1 Year Government Bond Spread: historic yield range for every year.

A green candlestick means that spread variation is negative in the year.
A red candlestick means that spread variation is positive in the year.

Available Data Source: from ---- to ----
The first official book of Lazy Portfolio ETF
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Mauritius vs Russia: Government Bond Spread Comparison

Compare the yield spreads between government bonds of Mauritius and Russia for the selected maturity period. Updated with the latest market data.

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