Italy 4 Years vs Japan 4 Years Spread

ITALY 4 Years / JAPAN 4 Years
214.8 bp
5.1 bp
1 month
Last Update: 24 Oct 2024, 5:23 GMT+0

As of the latest update on 24 Oct 2024 5:23 GMT+0, the Italy 4 Years / Japan 4 Years Government Bond spread value is 214.8 basis points (bp), where 1 basis point equals 0.01%.

This means that the yield of Italy 4 Years Government Bond is 2.148% greater than Japan 4 Years Government Bond.

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Spread recent variations

Spread changed +6.8 bp during last week, -5.1 bp during last month, -169.1 bp during last year.

Current Spread is close to 1 year minimum value

If data are not all visible, swipe table left
Period Change Min Range Max
1 Week +6.8 bp
201.6 bp
Oct 18, 2024
218.9 bp
Oct 22, 2024
1 Month -5.1 bp
201.6 bp
Oct 18, 2024
228.6 bp
Oct 7, 2024
6 Months -88.5 bp
201.6 bp
Oct 18, 2024
305.5 bp
Jun 10, 2024
1 Year -169.1 bp
201.6 bp
Oct 18, 2024
391.6 bp
Oct 25, 2023
Current Spread: 214.8bp
Last update 24 Oct 2024 5:23 GMT+0

Spread Chart - Historical Data

Data Source: from 2 Mar 2015 to 24 Oct 2024
The Italy 4 Years / Japan 4 Years Government Bond spread reached a maximum value of 401.2 bp (10 July 2023) and a minimum value of -12.3 bp (8 January 2021).

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Spread Yearly Range

Data Source: from 2 Mar 2015 to 24 Oct 2024

Italy 4 Years / Japan 4 Years Government Bond spread: historic value range for every year.

A green candlestick means that spread variation is negative in the year.
A red candlestick means that spread variation is positive in the year.
If data are not all visible, swipe table left
Year Spread Change Min Range Max
Oct 24
214.8 bp -57.9 bp
201.6 bp
Oct 18, 2024
307.8 bp
Feb 21, 2024
Dec 31
270.3 bp -89.5 bp
259.3 bp
Dec 22, 2023
401.2 bp
Jul 10, 2023
Dec 31
356.5 bp +325.2 bp
27.9 bp
Jan 27, 2022
387.0 bp
Sep 27, 2022
Dec 31
31.3 bp +41.7 bp
-12.3 bp
Jan 8, 2021
31.6 bp
Nov 1, 2021
Dec 31
-10.3 bp -60.9 bp
-12.1 bp
Dec 15, 2020
198.4 bp
Mar 17, 2020
Dec 31
50.7 bp -118.8 bp
30.5 bp
Oct 1, 2019
193.1 bp
Feb 8, 2019
Dec 31
168.3 bp +118.6 bp
36.9 bp
Jan 24, 2018
308.4 bp
Oct 18, 2018
Dec 31
47.9 bp +11.6 bp
22.2 bp
Dec 10, 2017
79.5 bp
Mar 19, 2017
Dec 31
36.3 bp -3.5 bp
18.6 bp
Sep 6, 2016
79.0 bp
Nov 24, 2016
Dec 31
39.8 bp +2.4 bp
20.4 bp
Oct 28, 2015
103.6 bp
Jun 16, 2015
Current Spread: 214.8bp.
Last update: 24 Oct 2024 5:23 GMT+0
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Country Bond Spread

Italy vs Japan: spread between all the available country government bonds.

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